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Essence and uniqueness of the project



The total estimated worldwide cost of dementia has reached $818 billion (£521 billion) and will become a trillion dollar disease finds the World Alzheimer Report 2015. Due to the increasing costs in health care, decreasing number of nurses and changes in laws and legislations, the family of a person with dementia is increasingly responsible for the care of older people who are no longer self-sufficient. It is important to denote that caring for a person with dementia by informal caregivers involves many positives such as meaningfulness, companionship and providing quality of life (World Alzheimer Report 2009).


Hundreds of AAL services and technologies have developed over the course of >10 years, however, very few made it to market with difficulties in scaling up. HAAL will support the AAL market and built a learning community in 4 countries. Within HAAL, every country will put forward a number of AAL solutions that have been proven effective within existing eco-systems and/or AAL projects. A pre-requisite is that these AAL solutions are interoperable (e.g, via UniversAAL). and context valuable AAL solution from the other eco-systems.

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Our unique proposition

The HAAL services – in particular the ones that support the first phases of dementia – can support seniors to stay longer in their own residence with some degree of independence, which would decrease the workload of caregivers. The ability to adapt to individual needs over the dementia patient journey, support integrated care and provide AAL services accordingly is unique, thereby supporting user acceptance, trust, and over time; cost-effectiveness. In HAAL we will co-create, perform meaningful try-outs, develop and evaluate the added value of an AAL eco-system.

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